Since the City of Montréal’s announcement of the pilot project interrupting car transit traffic on the Remembrance / Camillien-Houde axis in February 2018, citizens and local stakeholders have consistently called upon Les amis de la montagne. Accessibility and safe mobility issues related to Mount Royal are at the heart of our concerns.
In a brief submitted to the commissioners of the Office de consultation publique de Montréal in November 2018, Les amis advocates the development of a global vision of accessibility and mobility on the mountain encompassing safe road sharing, different types of uses, landscape enhancement, protection of biodiversity and a quality “mountain” experience.
For more information, consult the brief entitled Mémoire des Amis de la montagne portant sur le projet pilote d’interruption du transit automobile et l’avenir de Remembrance / Camillien-Houde (in French only).