Our Achievements

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Motivated by a desire to protect the interests of Mount Royal, Les amis de la montagne endeavours to bring together public authorities, institutional property owners, business stakeholders and the Montréal community around a common vision for the mountain. Our role of is one of representation and education, based on a deep understanding of the mountain as a fundamental element in the urban fabric of Montréal and of its role in our identity and our landscape.

Visitor Services in Mount Royal Park

Les amis de la montagne plays a leading role in serving the public in Mount Royal Park. The range of services we provide as part of an agreement with the City of Montréal aims to enhance visitors’ experience of the mountain.

Educational, Cultural & Recreational Programs

Les amis de la montagne organizes a full range of stimulating programs designed for youth and adults to enjoy the great outdoors on Mount Royal and better understand the challenges of caring for this spectacular natural setting in the heart of Montréal. While the City of Montréal oversees the management, landscaping and maintenance of Mount Royal Park, Les amis de la montagne oversees activities and services that ultimately enhance visitor experience in the park.

Awareness-Building & Community Engagement

Community engagement tops our list of priorities as we give citizens and local organizations the opportunity to discuss and gain insight into issues and projects affecting Mount Royal.

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Environmental Conservation

Les amis de la montagne plays a key role in preserving the biodiversity on Mount Royal. Our city’s mountain is an invaluable natural treasure set in an ever-expanding urban environment. Maintaining its biodiversity is a constant challenge that demands the design and implementation of strategies addressing such problems as the proliferation of invasive exotic species, climate change, pollution and the intensive use of public space.

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Mount Royal, its cross and the Sir George-Étienne Cartier monument in Montréal

Photo : © Alexandre CV

Making Mount Royal Even Better

Who are Les amis de la montagne?
We are a non-profit group dedicated to the conservation and preservation of Montréal’s crown jewel, Mount Royal. As trusted friends of the mountain since 1986, we support the responsible usage of this vast green space, while providing educational, recreational and park services to visitors.
Our Mission and Role

Our Team

Our success depends on committed individuals who share the same passion for the protection of one of our city’s most precious landscapes. This stands true for our Board of Directors, governors and employees.
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Our Partners

Les amis de la montagne gets a helping hand from a growing network of partners who understand our concerns and support our mission to protect and improve Mount Royal.
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Annual Reports & Publications

As an independent charity organization, we publish comprehensive annual reports on our priorities, goals and achievements as well as sundry reports, studies and scientific papers.
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Careers & Internships

Working for a non-profit organization provides the perfect opportunity to further your career and meet new challenges while having a positive influence on your local community and environment.
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Aerial view of Mount Royal, the cross and downtown Montréal

Photo : © pixup.ca