Conservation Matters kiosk

Free activity is a concrete example of our mission to bring the community together around a collective issue: the protection and enhancement of Mount Royal through education, conservation and concerted community action.



Mount Royal

The Conservation Matters kiosk offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about the cumulative effect of diverse activities on Mount Royal’s ecosystems. It is the ideal place to understand how important it is to adopt eco-responsible behaviour when visiting these magnificent parks. All of this is explained with the help of displays about conservation issues related to the fauna, flora and soil as well as the harmonious cohabitation of various practices and activities in the park.

This free activity is a concrete example of Les amis de la montagne's mission to bring the community together around a collective issue: the protection and enhancement of Mount Royal through education, conservation and concerted community action.

Our team of biologists and environmental conservation patrollers will be on hand in the wooded areas of the Summit and Fougeraie sectors every Friday and Saturday afternoon, except if it rains.

Come and meet us!

Thank you to our partners for their support.

Conservation Matters kiosk