Birds That Might Be Observed on the Mountain

  • Snow Goose (exceptional)
  • Canada Goose
  • American Wigeon (exceptional)
  • American Black Duck (exceptional)
  • Mallard
  • Wood Duck (exceptional)
  • Ring-Necked Pheasant (exceptional)
  • Grey Partridge (exceptional)
  • Ruffed Grouse (exceptional)
  • Common Loon (exceptional)
  • Double-Crested Cormorant
  • Great Cormorant (exceptional)
  • Great Blue Heron  
  • Turkey Vulture  
  • Osprey
  • Bald Eagle (exceptional)
  • Northern Harrier (exceptional)
  • Sharp-Shinned Hawk
  • Cooper’s Hawk
  • Northern Goshawk (exceptional)
  • Red-Shouldered Hawk
  • Broad-Winged Hawk
  • Red-Tailed Hawk  
  • Rough-Legged Hawk (exceptional)
  • Golden Eagle (exceptional)
  • American Kestrel
  • Merlin
  • Gyrfalcon (exceptional)
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Common Moorhen (exceptional)
  • Killdeeral (exceptional)
  • American Woodcock (exceptional)
  • Ring-Billed Gull
  • Herring Gull (exceptional)
  • Great Black-Backed Gull (exceptional)
  • Rock Dove
  • Mourning Dove
  • Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (exceptional)
  • Black-Billed Cuckoo
  • Eastern Screech Owl
  • Great Horned Owl (exceptional)
  • Snowy Owl (exceptional)
  • Northern Hawk Owl (exceptional)
  • Barred Owl (exceptional)
  • Great Grey Owl (exceptional)
  • Long-Eared Owl (exceptional)
  • Boreal Owl (exceptional)
  • Northern Saw-Whet Owl (exceptional)
  • Common Nighthawk
  • Chuck-Will’s-Widow (exceptional)
  • Whip-Poor-Will (exceptional)
  • Chimney Swift
  • Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
  • Red-Headed Woodpecker (exceptional)
  • Red-Bellied Woodpecker (exceptional)
  • Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Hairy Woodpecker
  • American Three-Toed Woodpecker (exceptional)
  • Black-Backed Woodpecker (exceptional)
  • Northern Flicker
  • Pileated Woodpecker
  • Olive-Sided Flycatcher
  • Eastern Wood-Pewee
  • Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
  • Alder Flycatcher
  • Least Flycatcher
  • Eastern Phoebe
  • Great Crested Flycatcher
  • Eastern Kingbird
  • Loggerhead Shrike (exceptional)
  • Northern Shrike (exceptional)
  • White-Eyed Vireo (exceptional)
  • Yellow-Throated Vireo (exceptional)
  • Blue-Headed Vireo
  • Warbling Vireo
  • Philadelphia Vireo
  • Red-Eyed Vireo
  • Blue Jay
  • American Crow
  • Common Raven
  • Purple Martin
  • Tree Swallow
  • Bank Swallow (exceptional)
  • Cliff Swallow (exceptional)
  • Barn Swallow (exceptional)
  • Black-Capped Chickadee
  • Boreal Chickadee (exceptional)
  • Tufted Titmouse (exceptional)
  • Red-Breasted Nuthatch
  • White-Breasted Nuthatch
  • Brown Creeper
  • Carolina Wren (exceptional)
  • House Wren
  • Winter Wren
  • Golden-Crowned Kinglet
  • Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
  • Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher
  • Eastern Bluebird
  • Townsend’s Solitaire (exceptional)  
  • Varied Thrush (exceptional)
  • Veery
  • Grey-Cheeked Thrush
  • Bicknell’s Thrush (exceptional)
  • Swainson’s Thrush
  • Hermit Thrush
  • Wood Thrush
  • American Robin
  • Grey Catbird
  • Northern Mockingbird (exceptional)
  • Brown Thrasher
  • European Starling
  • Bohemian Waxwing
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Blue-Winged Warbler (exceptional)
  • Golden-Winged Warbler (exceptional)  
  • Tennessee Warbler
  • Orange-Crowned Warbler
  • Nashville Warbler
  • Northern Parula
  • Yellow Warbler
  • Chestnut-Sided Warbler
  • Magnolia Warbler
  • Cape May Warbler
  • Black-Throated Blue Warbler
  • Yellow-Rumped Warbler
  • Black-Throated Green Warbler
  • Blackburnian Warbler
  • Pine Warbler
  • Prairie Warbler (exceptional)
  • Palm Warbler
  • Bay-Breasted Warbler
  • Blackpoll Warbler
  • Cerulean Warbler (exceptional)
  • Black-and-White Warbler
  • American Redstart
  • Prothonotary Warbler (exceptional)
  • Worm-Eating Warbler (exceptional)
  • Ovenbird
  • Northern Waterthrush (exceptional)
  • Louisiana Waterthrush (exceptional)
  • Kentucky Warbler (exceptional)
  • Connecticut Warbler (exceptional)
  • Mourning Warbler
  • Common Yellowthroat
  • Hooded Warbler (exceptional)
  • Wilson’s Warbler
  • Canada Warbler
  • Eastern Towhee
  • American Tree Sparrow
  • Chipping Sparrow
  • Field Sparrow (exceptional)
  • Savannah Sparrow (exceptional)
  • Fox Sparrow
  • Song Sparrow
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow
  • White-Throated Sparrow
  • White-Crowned Sparrow
  • Dark-Eyed Junco
  • Snow Bunting (exceptional)
  • Hepatic Tanager (exceptional)
  • Summer Tanager (exceptional)
  • Scarlet Tanager
  • Western Tanager (exceptional)
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
  • Indigo Bunting
  • Bobolink (exceptional)
  • Red-Winged Blackbird
  • Rusty Blackbird
  • Common Grackle
  • Brown-Headed Cowbird
  • Baltimore Oriole
  • Pine Grosbeak
  • Purple Finch
  • House Finch
  • Red Crossbill (exceptional)
  • White-Winged Crossbill (exceptional)
  • Common Redpoll
  • Hoary Redpoll (exceptional)
  • Pine Siskin
  • American Goldfinch
  • Evening Grosbeak
  • House Sparrow

Photo: Ville de Montréal

Mount Royal Beautiful Parklands and So Much More!

Crowned with three summits, the emblematic site affectionately known as “the mountain” covers 10 km2 at the heart of Montréal. Mount Royal is home to residential areas, several of the city’s founding institutions, vast cemeteries, neighborhood parks and the magnificent 200-hectare Mount Royal Park. Having acknowledged the importance of protecting its natural and cultural qualities, municipal authorities and the Government of Quebec declared Mount Royal a heritage site.


Actors & Stakeholders

Numerous key players contribute to the richness and diversity that characterize the Mount Royal territory and rise to the challenge of managing such a vast area, which must meet various usages, requirements and expectations.
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View of Mount Royal and its landscape heritage

Photo : © Olivier Hoffschir 


True symbol of Montréal, Mount Royal is a major visual landmark in the city’s landscape. With its unparallelled views, it features cemeteries, monuments and historical sites of national heritage significance.
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Glimpse of the flora and natural habitat of Mount Royal

Photo : © Les amis de la montagne 


Mount Royal Park, Summit Woods in Westmount, Tiohtià: ke Otsira'kéhne Park at Outremont Summit and mountainside cemeteries all provide ecological riches and exceptional biodiversity in the heart of the city.
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Attractions on Mount Royal

Photo: Mourache Hassan 


As one of Montréal’s top destinations, Mount Royal takes nature, history, art, architecture and religious heritage amateurs to new heights. Check out the places not to miss during your visit.
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FAQ about Mount Royal

Photo: Michel Leblanc 


Is Mount Royal an ancient volcano? Were there really ever any beavers in Beaver Lake? Find the answers to all your questions about Mount Royal!
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