Photo : © Les amis de la montagne

Forest School on the Mountain

Spring 2021: Register now! See our programming below.  

Inspired by the Forest School educational approach, the nature immersion program developed by Les amis de la montagne is a fun and unique way for youngsters and parents to reconnect with the natural environment through hands-on learning, creativity and play. Guided by their interests and curiosity, young nature lovers explore Mount Royal and learn about its biodiversity and protection with seasoned instructors.

Mindful of the public health measures related to COVID-19, Les amis de la montagne has adapted its programming to offer a new experience to families and children from 0 to 12 years old. Combining interactive online workshops, themes and activity books for each age group, the spring session of Forest School on the Mountain provides the confidence and tools you need to enjoy nature in your backyard or, even better, on Mount Royal.

Please note that our Forest School program is conducted in French.
Les amis de la montagne invites families with children aged 0 to 5 years old to reconnect with the environment by sharing a fun and relaxing moment with us and in nature. Activities provide learning adventures guided by the elements and seasons, awakening children’s curiosity and motor skills.

This activity is offered in partnership with the Table Petite Enfance d’Outremont

  • The session includes 5 online sessions with parents during which we will share teaching tools and techniques to promote family time outdoors. You can ask our experienced team your questions, meet other parents who also want to spend more time outside and share your own experiences!
  • Before each session, you will receive an activity book based on your child’s age. Filled with tips and tricks, these documents promise hours of outdoor adventure for the whole family!
  • The most important part: use this knowledge to get outside as a family when it suits you best! We provide you with the confidence and ideas for activities to ensure fun for the family.
  • Public health measures permitting, we will invite you to come and meet us on the mountain for a session in the great outdoors!
Two time slots are available:
  • Saturdays, from 10 to 10:45 a.m., on the following dates: March 27, April 17, May 1, May 15, May 29 
  • Sundays, from 10 to 10:45 a.m., on the following dates: March 28, April 18, May 2, May 16, May 30
Rate: $50 per family

Places available: maximum 30 families per time slot

Register now
This program aims to sharpen children’s senses and awaken their natural instincts. Through outdoor experiences, participants develop a strong connection with nature, learn about fauna and flora, and gain a better understanding of conservation issues.

  • The session includes 6 online sessions with children (with or without the presence of parents based on your preferences) during which we will talk about the theme of the week, encourage discussion and pique their curiosity about nature. Our experienced team will get kids excited about going outside to experience adventures in nature!
  • Before each session, you will receive an activity book for your child. You can look at it together (5 – 9 year olds) or your child can read on their own (9 – 12 year olds). Filled with tips and tricks, these documents promise hours of outdoor fun for children to do on their own or with the family.
  • The most important part: children are encouraged to go outside to do the suggested activities and pursue their own interests! Our mission is to encourage them to stay outside as long as possible. On several occasions, we will suggest activities to do in Mount Royal Park (scavenger hunts, etc.), so make sure to plan a few outings on the mountain during the season.
  • Public health measures permitting, we will invite you to come and meet us on the mountain for a family session in the great outdoors!
Rate: $75 per child (or family)

Register now

5 - 7 Year Olds

This program is geared for children who are in kindergarten or first grade and who turned 5 or 6 years old on September 30 of the 2020-2021 school year. The 6 sessions take place on Saturdays, from 10 to 10:45 a.m., on the following dates: March 20, April 10, April 24, May 8, May 22 and June 5.

Places available: 12

7 - 9 Year Olds

This program is geared for children who are in second or third grade and who turned 7 or 8 years old on September 30 of the 2020-2021 school year. The 6 sessions take place on Saturdays, from 1 to 2:15 p.m., on the following dates: March 20, April 10, April 24, May 8, May 22 and June 5.

Places available: 14

9 - 12 Year Olds

This program is geared for children who are in fourth, fifth or sixth grade and who turned 9, 10 or 11 years old on September 30 of the 2020-2021 school year. The 6 sessions take place on Sundays, from 10 to 10:45 a.m., on the following dates: March 21, April 11, April 25, May 9, May 23 and June 6.

Places available: 16

Today’s youth are spending less and less time in nature, with the resulting consequences on their health and well-being. National educational programs in countries such as Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom have shown that regular contact with nature improves children’s motivation, concentration, motor skills, health, self-confidence and social skills.

In Canada, the Forest School movement has taken root thanks to initiatives by parents and associations such as Child & Nature Alliance of Canada. This nature-inspired teaching method aims to provide an immersive experience allowing children to develop strong emotional ties to the local natural environment and a healthy lifestyle while fostering their overall development.

Forest School teaching explores such issues as:
  • Our affective link with nature
  • Introducing children from a very early age to nature
  • Exposing children in urban areas to nature
  • The importance of daily contact with local nature
  • The importance of having a chaperone to facilitate the experience and make links with the broader natural world
  • The role of families
  • Parents’ fear of leaving children alone in nature
  • The link between nature and health
Forest School on the Mountain with Les amis de la montagne seeks to create links between children, nature and Mount Royal. Young members take their first step towards becoming the next generation of mountain custodians as they learn about the natural environment, the weather and the seasons through experience.

Depending on the age of your child, you can accompany them as they discover Mount Royal or leave them with our experienced instructors so that they can enjoy nature throughout the seasons and become familiar with the fauna and flora of the mountain.

Are activities adapted for children or families who do not speak French?

The activities are offered in French, but our educators will happily answer your questions in English when necessary.

I would like to register my child for Forest School on the Mountain but the activity is already full. Is there a waiting list?

Yes. You can register your child on a waiting list on the reservation system. Please keep in mind that a place on the waiting list does not guarantee you a spot; the movement on waiting lists is very unpredictable. You will be notified if there is a vacancy and you will have 24 hours to complete your registration and to make the payment which will reserve your spot.

Subscribe to our newsletter for news and information about Les amis de la montagne as well as future camp registration dates by checking “Activities for children.”

What payment methods do you accept?

Accepted modes of payment are VISA and Mastercard. Please note that payment is necessary to reserve your child’s spot. A $50 non-refundable administrative fee is included in the price of the activity. No refund will be given within seven days of the start of the activity, unless a written medical certificate is presented.

How do I find out if there are still places available?

The number of places available is displayed in real time in the online reservation system:
  1. Log in to the reservation system.
  2. Click on “Activités” in the upper menu bar to display the list of available activities.
  3. Locate the desired program and click on the little i circle to see the number of places available.

Can you confirm that my child is registered?

You can view your registration receipts on the reservation system:
  1. Log in to the reservation system.
  2. Click on the “Mon dossier” menu and select “Comptes et reçus” to access your accounts and receipts. All your registration receipts are on this page.

Do you offer custom Forest School activities for groups of children?

Yes. We can absolutely prepare a tailor-made nature immersion activity for your group on Mount Royal, inspired by our Forest School! For more information, please send us an email at

Do you offer activities for school groups?

Yes! Les amis de la montagne offers a wide variety of educational and recreational activities for school groups. For more information, consult our list of activities for schools and children groups for details.
For more information:

School and Youth Programming Lead