Photo : © Les amis de la montagne

Environmental Activities for Groups

From September to October, groups of 10 or more wishing to get involved in the protection of the environment are welcome to come spend a few hours helping us care for Mount Royal by planting trees or managing invasive plants as part of our Environmental Stewardship Program.

It’s a great way for employees, associates or friends to nurture nature and cultivate relationships in one of Montréal’s most beautiful natural settings.
Since 1986, Les amis de la montagne has played an active role in conserving the biodiversity of Mount Royal and in raising awareness of the fragility and importance of natural environments.

In 2007, we launched the Environmental Stewardship Program to promote the protection and conservation of Mount Royal through citizen engagement and participation. Environmental stewardship refers to the means put in place to bring together the citizens, organizations and stakeholders of a territory to help protect its biodiversity and natural environments.

Our Environmental Stewardship Program combines in-depth knowledge of the mountain’s ecosystem with over 30 years’ experience in volunteer and community involvement, not to mention long-standing partnerships with the City of Montréal and large institutional owners on the mountain. Since its creation, it has become a means for citizens, associations and corporations to play a key role in the preservation of Mount Royal’s biodiversity.

Environmental stewardship activities are supervised by professionals and conform to a scientific, research-based process aimed at increasing knowledge about the natural environment and developing effective methods of preserving it.

This program also includes our annual Mount-Royal Clean-Up and inviting citizens to get involved throughout the year.

Getting people involved in the preservation of Mount Royal helps us care for the mountain and plan conservation actions. In matters of environmental conservation, every little action counts… as does every little penny we make as a non-profit group.

That being said, your financial contribution allows us to identify intervention sites and assess needs, carry out preparatory work on the ground, purchase plants, provide equipment and specialized labour, and recruit and supervise volunteers in charge of overseeing activities.

Money might not grow on trees but with a little help from its friends, Mount Royal will grow rich in healthy trees, shrubs and plants.
There’s nothing like being outdoors to work up one’s appetite! Gather the gang at the Café des Amis in the park for tasty treats and refreshments after your activity. Contact us for group options.
Ready to go green with your team on Mount Royal? To reserve or obtain more information on our Environmental Stewardship Program, please write to