Les amis de la montagne considers that the actions announced by the City of Montréal in Mount Royal Park, notably the felling of nearly 4,000 infested ash trees and the planting of approximately 40,000 trees, are necessary to minimize the damages caused by the emerald ash borer.  The quality of the proposed interventions will have a definite impact on the integrity of natural habitats in Mount Royal Park and Outremont Summit Park. Les amis de la montagne is pleased to see that the City of Montréal provides the necessary resources to meet the challenges associated with the presence of the emerald ash borer on these sites. We will follow closely all actions.

With the help of volunteers, Les amis de la montagne planted some 26,000 trees and shrubs in collaboration with the City over the past two decades, mainly in Mount Royal Park. We proposed that the City use our team of experts to carry out the entire operation, including scientific research, plantation work and monitoring.

Les amis de la montagne wishes to reiterate that the emerald ash borer knows no borders and that the infestation has spread beyond Mount Royal Park and Outremont Summit, which make up about 20% of the mountain territory. Like all members of the Table de concertation du Mont-Royal, Les amis advocates the adoption of an integrated approach covering the entire mountain territory. As such, all efforts to combat the emerald ash borer on Mount Royal will only be effective if they are part of an elaborate and operationalized strategy in close co-operation with all mountain stakeholders.

The impact of the emerald ash borer on Mount Royal’s arboricultural environment is similar to that of the 1998 ice storm. Exceptional measures must be taken to preserve the treasure that is our mountain.

For more information on the actions taken by the City of Montréal to fight the emerald ash borer on Mount Royal, see the press release published on August 24, 2017 (French only).

For more information on the approach advocated for the mountain territory as a whole, consult the June 2017 consensus of the Table de concertation du Mont-Royal on the fight against the emerald ash borer (French only).