Les amis de la montagne continues to play a very active role in discussions surrounding road safety on Mount Royal, which have intensified in recent weeks following the tragic death of the young cyclist Clément Ouimet on Camillien-Houde Road on October 4, 2017. This accident shed light on issues relative to the security and cohabitation between the various users of the park and the mountain that have been raised over the years. It is time to address these issues as part of an overall strategy for the territory and to implement a concrete action plan with the necessary redevelopment investments.

During preliminary talks between various associations and public authorities, Les amis de la montagne called attention to the critical importance of redesigning Remembrance and Camillien-Houde as a “scenic” shared roadway that would meet today’s mobility requirements and showcase the mountain. In fact, the “parkway” concept proposed in the early 1960s does not correspond to the new cohabitation reality experienced on transport routes. The focus now is on enabling pedestrians, cyclists and motorized vehicles to safely share such routes, as well as associated safety standards.

According to Les amis, the time is right to rethink accessibility to the mountain in light of the best practices in terms of safe road sharing between pedestrians, cyclists and drivers by reclaiming this throughway from the road network and giving it back to Mount Royal and its users. By doing so, this would reduce, maybe even eliminate, transit traffic from one side of the mountain to the other, and Remembrance/Camillien-Houde would become a destination in itself for all users of the mountain—a pleasant, safe and inviting way to access and experience the mountain’s exceptional nature and landscape.

Les amis de la montagne advocates the redevelopment of Remembrance/Camillien-Houde in accordance with the objectives of the global Vision Zero road safety movement to which the City of Montréal joined in September 2016. Vision Zero can be summed up in one promising idea: no death or serious injury on the road network is acceptable. At the heart of this approach is the intent to eliminate fatal road collisions and serious injuries by implementing a global vision that combines engineering, citizen engagement, monitoring, evaluation and education.

We have every reason to believe that this matter will be treated as a top priority over the next year. Les amis de la montagne will be front and centre to promote our vision for a safer and more accessible mountain for all Montrealers.