MIL Campus
As part of the Seeds for the Future of Mount Royalproject, the Collectif pour une forêt durable joined forces with Les amis de la montagne to present their "Une forêt de possibilités" campaign and offer various activities on the ephemeral projects site of the Université de Montréal MIL Campus. On September 19, Les amis de la montagne invited different schools from the Parc-Extension neighborhood to visit the Soverdi tree nursery and learn more about the other partners on site and their projects. During this day-long event, 73 students and four teachers from the Barthélémy-Vimont School discovered the mont Réel, Coop-Bioma gardens and tree nursery as they completed a potting activity.

On September 23, Les amis de la montagne held an information kiosk and presented a conference given by Mr. Claude Villeneuve during the harvest festival, the season’s closing event at the MIL Campus. Presented in partnership with the Collectif pour une forêt durable, this conference shed light on the importance of trees and wood in the fight against climate change and how to reconcile the multiple uses of this resource. Mr. Villeneuve, climate change specialist, biologist and full professor at the UQAC Department of Fundamental Sciences, shared his experience and vision on this topic to which he is committed. In this short video (in French only), Mr. Villeneuve explains the impacts of climate change on Mount Royal forests.  