The first phase of an important landscaping project designed by the City of Montréal, undertaken to build the missing part of a footpath linking the park’s main staircase to the Kondiaronk Belvedere and the Mount Royal Chalet, is now complete. Since December 24, park visitors have been able to use the stairway again to get to the mountain’s summit, while enjoying 86 new steps.

This first phase aimed to improve access to the area as well as to the mountain’s summit and both visitor experience and security, the unfinished path being dangerous over the winter months. The project conforms to best practices in the management of natural environments and will improve the circulation of small animals – reptiles, small mammals, amphibians – under walkways. Next April, further work will be done around the staircase, but it will remain open to the pedestrians.

Les amis de la montagne has provided support to the City of Montréal during the work by running an on-site public awareness-building campaign about the project and the importance of respecting temporary measures required of park users while work was underway. Les amis wishes to thank all visitors for their cooperation in using alternative walking paths and respecting other recommended measures. As such, the natural environments were not affected.

The second phase of the project will be undertaken in 2018 in the Mount Royal Chalet area, to enhance surrounding views as well as the natural and built heritage of the site, and to counter the spread of exotic invasive plants by replacing them with native plant species, in addition to managing surface waters to control the erosion.