Each year, Les amis de la montagne seeks financial support from the community to help protect and improve our beautiful mountain, one of Montréal’s defining landmarks.  ​Donating to Les amis helps to keep this beautiful green space healthy for today and future generations, notably through our environmental education and awareness programs. Your support allows us to identify the needs and priorities on the mountain and respond to them throughout the year.

Interested in finding out more about the tangible actions and programs led by Les amis de la montagne?

During our annual general meeting on September 20, Les amis presented our 2016-17 activity report, which outlines our achievements in the past year. Highlights include:
  • Launching an unprecedented citizen mobilization campaign in support of UNESCO status for Mount Royal, gathering over 33,000 signatures.
  • Raising awareness with over 7,250 people through interventions by our Conservation Patrol.
  • Planting over 1,500 trees and cutting invasive exotic plants on a 143,000 m2 area on Mount Royal.
  • Organizing discovery walks and interpretive kiosks in all seasons reaching almost 10,000 visitors.
  • Welcoming over 4,600 school children who spent time in nature and discovered the mountain thanks to our educational programs on Mount Royal.

See our 2016-17 activity report for more information!

Contribute to our next achievements!

Whether it is small or large, every donation to Les amis de la montagne counts! Because Mount Royal is nature in the heart of the city, and because we need your help to protect this Montréal gem, please make a donation now. Your support is priceless.