It was under a bright blue sky that the 27th edition of the Mount Royal Clean-Up took place this Sunday, May 6 to the delight of Montrealers and all park lovers! After three consecutive days of spring cleaning, Mount Royal is now ready to welcome you throughout the month of May to enjoy the spring and our many activities!

The Event in Numbers

577: Number of participants in this year’s Clean-Up (spread over 3 days)
6: Age of youngest participant. Proof that it’s never too early (or too late) to start!
97: Number of bags of garbage that were collected
52: Number of bags of recyclables that were collected
50: Percentage of plastic materials of all waste that was collected
+ than 500: Number of trees and shrubs monitored for growth and health
60: Number of fires and camps that were dismantled
1: Number of mayors present and ready to help clean the mountain!

Les amis de la montagne wishes to thank all the participants who answered our call for help this year. Once again, you’ve shown your tireless dedication to Mount Royal!

Photo : Fredaphoto

To see more photos taken during this year’s Clean-Up, visit our Facebook page.