
Now that summer's here, Les amis de la montagne asks all Mount Royal users to come experience the mountain to gain a better understanding of the pilot project stopping car transit traffic on the Remembrance/Camillien-Houde axis from June 2 to October 31.

Since the beginning of the pilot project, Les amis has been documenting the impacts of the pilot project on Mount Royal accessibility and user safety. We share our observations on a regular basis with the municipal administration and partners of the Table de concertation du Mont-Royal.

In our work with the City, Les amis de la montagne has also proposed the addition of visitor services at the Camillien-Houde Belvedere as well as a special educational program focused on discovering new mountain views and understanding accessibility issues (see our Facebook page for details). Our observations in the field and participation in on-site activities aim to strengthen the City’s efforts to encourage reflection on the future of accessibility to the mountain.

Our objective is to promote the best decision making for the user-friendly, safe and sustainable redevelopment of the Remembrance/Camillien-Houde axis, while respecting the natural, landscape and heritage qualities of the mountain.

Public Forum

Les amis de la montagne maintains an open dialog with citizens, experts and organizations related to the mountain in order to draw an accurate picture of accessibility issues and create a global vision for the Mount Royal territory. Our public forum on May 17 led to rich exchanges on the subject. Miss it? Watch the public forum on the web.

Your Opinions Matter!

Commissioned by the City of Montréal, the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) has been tasked with evaluating the pilot project in the coming months based on feedback from Mount Royal users and formulating recommendations on the future of access roads to Mount Royal. 

Voice your opinions! Les amis de la montagne strongly encourages you to share your thoughts on the pilot project and the future of traffic on Mount Royal.

Don’t miss this chance to have your say about decisions regarding Montréal’s mountain!

For More Information

Mount Royal accessibility issues
Moving Towards a New Park Lane
City of Montréal summary document on pilot project
