Les amis de la montagne welcomes the conclusions of the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) report on the future of the Remembrance / Camillien-Houde roadway. By the same token, we wish to underscore the urgent need to define a global vision of accessibility and safe mobility for the mountain as a whole.

Conclusions That Take User Needs into Consideration

The OCPM report first analyzes the results of last summer’s through-traffic closure pilot project before presenting a series of recommendations that lay the groundwork for the future of Remembrance / Camillien-Houde. It is essentially aligned with the recommendations we submitted in our brief of November 2018. Les amis de la montagne nonetheless emphasizes the urgency of bringing to fruition a global vision of accessibility and safe mobility for the whole mountain prior to undertaking the redevelopment Remembrance / Camillien-Houde.

“We salute the municipal administration’s decision to lead a public consultation as a means of contributing to the reflection and healthy debate on the mountain’s roadway. We congratulate the OCPM for the depth and breadth of the work accomplished. Beyond the passionate reactions elicited by the debate, we applaud the unprecedented public participation in this consultation with over 13,000 contributions, evocative of Montrealers’ attachment to Mount Royal, the city’s cherished iconic heritage landmark and green space, which is, and must remain, a constant concern to us all. It is a clear demonstration of the importance of involving citizens in the development of a uniting vision for the future of our mountain,” adds Hélène Panaioti, Executive Director of Les amis de la montagne.

Our Recommendations for a Safe and Scenic Roadway

It should be recalled that the vision favoured by Les amis de la montagne is based on safe road sharing by the multiple user groups and keeping the mountain accessible to all patrons. With this in mind, we are delighted by the importance given in the OCPM’s recommendations to transform Remembrance/Camillien-Houde into a safe and scenic roadway, thus favouring the park’s core vocation to the utilitarian functions of transit. Echoing the challenges of accessibility, the report also acknowledges the improvement of public transportation services to Mount Royal as a cornerstone of any redevelopment project.

Among the other recommendations proposed, Les amis de la montagne highlights the attention given in the OCPM report to the integration of safe road sharing goals with all users in mind and the promotion of a vision of broad accessibility for all Mount Royal users.

Les amis de la montagne is pleased that this public consultation has supported open dialogue on the repurposing of the mountain roadway, applying best practices in terms of consultation and consequently enriching the debate. We wholeheartedly hope that the contribution of citizens, experts and organizations will inspire the City’s qualified staff and its elected officials to develop a unifying project for Remembrance/Camillien-Houde, guided by a clearly articulated global vision of accessibility to the mountain.

For More Information

Les amis de la montagne’s brief on the pilot project interrupting car transit traffic and the future of Remembrance / Camillien-Houde