City parks provide priceless green space for citizens living in metropolitan areas. In these challenging times, not only do they offer a place to relax and renew with nature, they are essential to our health and well-being.

Today, local park groups, sports clubs and public interest organizations are joining together to appeal to all Montrealers: If we want to keep our parks open in the coming weeks, we have a collective responsibility to seize now. 

We thus are joining our voices to those of the municipal authorities and the Government of Quebec in a bid to mobilize Montrealers of all ages in favour of responsible park visitation:
  • Choose your neighbourhood parks to avoid non-essential travel and converging in the same urban green spaces.
  • Always respect social distancing measures prescribed by public health authorities: avoid gatherings and maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres with other park visitors. 
  • If a park is too busy, be flexible: change your plans and wear a face mask to protect yourself and others.
  • Let’s think collectively: One for all and all for one!
By acting together, we know we can make a difference! Share this message so that we can help maintain access to parks. 


See the Government of Quebec health guidelines.