A Magnificent Mountain
in an Urban Landscape

More than just a hill, Mount Royal is a distinct symbol of Montréal's identity that has shaped the development of the city on and around it over time. Through its natural, landscape and cultural richness, Mount Royal is fundamental to the quality of life of Montrealers. Our role in the community is one of representation and education based on an in-depth understanding of the mountain and issues it faces.
The presence of a mountain in the midst of a thriving city presents complex challenges. How does one ensure the coherent management and enlightened development of a large territory made up of natural and built elements (both public and private) that must meet various demands and expectations? How to combine the protection of its natural environments with its cultural and landscape heritage given urban development and the intensive use of public spaces such as Mount Royal Park is yet another issue.
Les amis de la montagne is guided by our desire to unite public authorities, institutional owners, the business community and citizens around a common vision for the mountain and to make informed decisions in support of its sustainability. We seek to strengthen the culture of respect and responsible development for this exceptional place.


Habitat Conservation

Intensive use of public space by millions of visitors, pollution and climate change, invasive plants and insect pests are among the phenomena that weaken the natural habitats on Mount Royal.
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The Future of Large Institutional Properties on Mount Royal

The Royal Victoria Hospital, Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal, Religious Hospitallers of Saint Joseph site, Shriners Hospital and 1420 Mount Royal are large institutional properties on the mountain that are vacant, on sale or being repurposed. This is an opportunity to rethink the future of these emblematic sites.
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Photo: Jeremie Battaglia 

Urban Development and Densification

Choices related to the planning, development and densification of Montréal must also contribute to strengthening the integrity of Mount Royal, including its views and emblematic presence in the heart of the city. How can this be ensured?
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Firefighter extinguishing a forest fire on Mount Royal

Photo : © Les amis de la montagne 

Mount Royal Park Usage Problems

Issues related to the intensive use of Mount Royal Park and the evolution of users' culture over time have serious consequences on the integrity of the site as well as on visitor experience. How can we reverse this trend?
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Mount Royal accessibility

Photo : © Josée Rochette 


In our capacity as trusted friends of Mount Royal, Les amis de la montagne calls for easy and safe access to the mountain. Whether users travel on foot, by bike, by bus or by car, Mount Royal should be accessible to everyone.
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Photo: © Ville de Montréal 


The Mount Royal heritage site benefits from protection measures overseen by the Government of Québec. This begs the question: How does one apply an efficient governance model for the mountain with public and institutional bodies alongside the civil society?
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