Located in the heart of Montréal, Mount Royal is an invaluable natural resource surrounded by a thriving urban environment. Maintaining its biodiversity is an ongoing challenge that requires the design and implementation of strategies to address the impacts of intensive human use of the land, the spread of invasive species and insect pests, pollution and climate change.


Les amis de la montagne plays a key role in raising awareness and educating the Montréal community about the issues and challenges relative to the protection of Mount Royal ecosystems of.
Some of the challenges related to the health of the mountain’s ecosystems include:
  • Degradation of natural environments through human activity
  • Damage caused by the emerald ash borer and other insect pests
  • Proliferation of invasive species
  • Erosion caused by surface water
  • Consequences of climate change, such as the loss of indigenous species and the proliferation of exotic species due to global warming or the increase in the amount of extreme weather events affecting the forest 
We partner with key environmental stakeholders—including the academic community—and municipal authorities to develop and test solutions for the sustainability of natural habitats on Mount Royal.

For More Information

The emerald ash borer wreaks havoc on Mount Royal

Photo : © Les amis de la montagne 

Emerald Ash Borer Infestation