Volunteer Conservation Activities

Ask not what the mountain can do for you, but what you can do for the mountain! Les amis de la montagne invites all citizens to participate in conservation activities on Mount Royal under the guidance of environmental specialists. Come once or as many times as you want!

Conservation Webinars

Meet our experts in a whole new digital format! Discover our series of webinars Let’s Talk Conservation on Mount Royal and its natural environments. Each webinar covers a specific topic and is hosted by members of our conservation team. Come listen, learn and share with us!
Find out more
Programmation grand public sur le mont Royal

Photo: © Les amis de la montagne

Public Programming

There’s always something to see and do on the mountain, no matter the season or the weather! Come enjoy the lush landscape and sign up for any of our general public activities, from discovery walks in the summer to snowshoe excursions in the winter.
Activities for all ages


Kids & Families

As friends of the mountain, we believe in getting children outside from an early age so they learn about and appreciate the environment at their own pace. Our forest school activities, day camps and cross-country ski program give kids (and parents) a fresh outlook on Mount Royal!
Activities for children
Activities for schools and children groups on Mount Royal


Schools & Children Groups

Educational and recreational activities on the mountain make the grade with students. As one of Montréal’s popular green spaces, Mount Royal is the perfect outdoor classroom to rediscover nature, brush up on history and experience the great outdoors right here in the city.
Activities for students & groups
Group snowshoe excursion on Mount Royal

Photo : © Les amis de la montagne 

Adult Groups

Looking for something special to do with friends, colleagues or associates? Montréal’s mountain is the best spot in town for crowd-pleasing excursions and team-building activities throughout the year.
Activities for groups of adults
A woman plants a tree on Mount Royal with Les amis de la montagne

Photo : © Tzara Maud Images 

Eco-Friendly Activities

Let your actions speak louder than your words! Keeping Mount Royal clean and green is a walk in the park when you take part in our annual mountain clean-up day or conservation actions throughout the year.
Go Green