Les amis de la montagne’s conservation team invites citizens, associations and groups to actively take part in Mount Royal’s conservation and preservation by joining its Environmental Stewardship Program. Lending a hand during our volunteer activities is a great way to help the environment and protect the mountain’s nature.


Volunteer Conservation Activities

Ask not what the mountain can do for you, but what you can do for the mountain! Les amis de la montagne invites all citizens to participate in conservation activities on Mount Royal under the guidance of environmental specialists. Come once or as many times as you want!


Conservation Webinars

Meet our experts in a whole new digital format! Discover our series of webinars Let’s Talk Conservation on Mount Royal and its natural environments. Each webinar covers a specific topic and is hosted by members of our conservation team. Come listen, learn and share with us!
Find out more
Employees participating in environmental actions on Mount Royal

Are You Part of a Group, Association or Company? 

Our Environmental Stewardship Program is tailored for groups wishing to undertake environmental actions in the community.