Launched on April 5 by Les amis de la montagne, the citizens’ campaign entitled “We love our Mountain. Let’s support UNESCO status for Mount Royal.” is a success! Nearly 33,000 people answered our call to support Mount Royal’s bid for UNESCO status in the hopes of ensuring the highest standards of protection for the mountain.

Les amis de la montagne wishes to thank all the Montrealers, Quebecers, Canadians and residents from abroad who showed their love for the mountain by taking a few seconds to sign the letter. Two firms, NATIONAL Public Relations and Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, helped Les amis successfully carry out this campaign by contributing their resources, expertise and extensive networks. And they weren’t alone: hundreds of companies, organizations, associations and citizens also played a major role by calling for signatures in their own networks.
The success of this campaign clearly shows the unfailing dedication of a strong community that cares about the protection and sustainability of its beautiful mountain!

The Next Steps towards UNESCO Designation 

As of tomorrow, Les amis de la montagne will send Parks Canada the letter with almost 33,000 signatures gathered in support of Mount Royal’s application, which was submitted last January by the City of Montréal.
From that point on, an independent advisory committee composed of experts in natural and cultural heritage appointed by the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, will review all applications and recommend  candidate sites for inclusion on Canada’s updated list, which will total 10 sites. Based on the advisory committee’s recommendations, the Minister will render her decision and publicly reveal the country’s updated Tentative List for World Heritage Sites in December 2017. It is noteworthy to mention that the opportunities to apply for inclusion on this list are few and far between as the call for applications occurs only every decade.
Once a site is added to Canada’s Tentative List, the candidature review process for UNESCO recognition may last several years.
Needless to say, Les amis de la montagne will keep you informed of the process every step of the way!

This initiative has been made possible thanks to the assistance of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton and the participation of NATIONAL Public Relations.