
If you plan to picnic in the park this summer, enjoy the view from one of the lookouts or visit either of the cemeteries, you should be aware of the new car traffic rules on Mount Royal.

Since early June, a pilot project implemented by the City of Montréal prohibits car transit traffic on the Remembrance/Camillien-Houde axis. In other words, it is no longer possible for private vehicles to travel across the mountain from west to east (or vice versa) till the end of October. However, rest assured: Mount Royal Park remains accessible to motorists at all times!

Driving to Mount Royal Park: Still Possible!

Before hitting the road, please take into account the following considerations:
  • Cars travelling from the west via Remembrance Road will have to park at Beaver Lake.

  • Cars travelling from the east via Camillien-Houde Way will have to park at Smith House.

Metered parking is available at both Beaver Lake and Smith House. If and when a parking lot is full, drivers will be redirected to available parking at the other site. Security guards will occasionally be on site to redirect traffic and provide assistance if necessary.

Regardless of where you arrive in the park, it’s a short 10-minute walk between Beaver Lake and Smith House and a couple more minutes on Olmsted Path if you wish to walk up to the Mount Royal Chalet.

Note that the Camillien-Houde Belvedere is now only accessible via the east by Camillien-Houde Way.

Using Active Transportation and Public Transit: Always a Good Idea!

The pilot project does not affect pedestrians or cyclists in any manner. All roads, paths and trails remain open, and public transit buses (11 and 711) will continue servicing the mountain throughout the summer thanks to an improved schedule.

Buses, adapted transportation (STM or 9 people or more), funeral processions as well as emergency and city vehicles can continue to transit on the mountain.

Getting to Other Destinations on the Mountain

Mount Royal is home to neighbourhoods, cemeteries and other institutions. Please keep in mind the impact of the pilot project before making your way to:

  • Mount Royal Cemetery: access is only possible from the east via Camillien-Houde Way or the main entrance on chemin de la Forêt

  • Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery: access is possible via the entrances on Côte-des-Neiges Road and Decelles Street (the entrance on Remembrance Road is closed)

  • SPVM Cavalry: access is only possible from the east via Camillien-Houde Way

Exploring New Sights Along the Way

Throughout the pilot project, Les amis de la montagne will offer visitor services at the Camillien-Houde Belvedere in addition to a special educational program focused on discovering new mountain views and understanding accessibility issues. See our Facebook page for details.

The City of Montréal has partnered up with La Pépinière to create temporary recreational facilities along Remembrance/Camillien-Houde and offer a variety of summer activities. Check out the list of activities offered on Mount Royal by La Pépinière.
