Fetch your sweaters, windbreakers and closed shoes! Fall is the perfect time to spend a quiet afternoon in Mount Royal Park for a picnic or other outdoor fun. Here are some tips inspired by 7 Leave No Trace principles so that you can enjoy nature without leaving a trace. No matter the season or the weather, we all can do our part to help protect and improve Mount Royal!

1. Mount Royal offers beautiful green spaces to have fun, rest and recharge your batteries. One easy way to help the environment is to always pick up your garbage, especially after picnicking in the park:
  • Bring reusable dishes (water bottles, plates, utensils, etc.), a tablecloth, a big blanket and cloth napkins that you bring back home with you and clean.
  • Bring a cloth bag or reusable container to carry all your waste, including food scraps. This avoids overloading garbage cans and attracting wildlife.
2. The mountain teems with insects, birds, squirrels and other wildlife that, if lucky, we can observe and admire throughout the seasons. Respect them by following these tips:
  • Do not feed animals. Squirrels, groundhogs and other animals do not need food because they find whatever they need in nature.
  • Do not touch animals. Better take a picture than to risk a bite or other injury!
  • If you have a dog, keep it on a leash at all times and clean up after it.   
3. Countless people head to the mountain to enjoy its scenery and tranquility. Respecting other visitors contributes to the quality of your visit to the mountain.
  • Respect other park users by choosing a picnic site situated at an appropriate distance from others, especially if you are a large group. Enjoy the quietness of the site and keep music at a reasonable volume.
  • After your meal, make sure you pick everything up to leave the place clean.
  • You love the mountain just as much as we do. For the benefit of all visitors, the park provides a multitude of services, such as restaurants and public toilets, which allow you to better take advantage of your visit while respecting nature.
4. The vegetation is fragile even in a large urban park like Mount Royal. When walking on forest trails, be sure to protect all plants by leaving everything as you find it.
  • Make good use of the natural beauty of the setting by not hanging balloons, streamers, banners, etc., that can damage trees.
  • As you probably already know, campfires are illegal and harmful to plants, shrubs and trees. If you picnic, opt for cold dishes (which are also easier to carry). However, if you bring your own barbecue, go to one of the designated picnic areas (near Smith House, Beaver Lake Pavilion or Mount Royal Chalet) where propane or charcoal barbecues are permitted and ash can be deposited in bins provided for this purpose.
  • Protect the greenery by avoiding walking off trail as this damages vegetation and leads to soil erosion. It is also strictly forbidden to pick any plant in the park. If you wish to explore new trails in the woods, use our interactive map that, thanks to wireless magic, will prevent you from getting lost or mistakenly hiking on unauthorized trails.
Do you have a question about the environment, fauna or flora, or the 7 Leave No Trace principles? Don’t hesitate to ask our Conservation Patrol that watches over the mountain and has received a Leave No Trace training from the organization De ville en forêt.

Last but not least, enjoy your visit to the mountain!

Thank you to Danielle Landry, director and founder of De ville en forêt, for her precious time and help.