
Les amis de la montagne invites you to discover the historical bonds between Montréal’s Scottish culture and Mount Royal via a brand new discovery walk on the mountain’s southern slope.

The Mountain’s Scottish Roots

Did you know that the Scottish presence on the mountain dates back to the 18th century? Indeed, upon settling in Montréal, the first immigrants from the British Isles wasted no time integrating Montréal society and cultivating a special relationship with the mountain. Mount Royal soon became their holiday destination, upscale neighbourhood and prime location for sports activities and the development of major academic and other institutions.

Even today, the territory bears witness to the illustrious Scottish presence and the exceptional architectural heritage of their homeland:

  • The monument erected in honour of Simon McTavish, who was buried on his land, recalls the era of large estates, and already, the importance of the mountain for Montrealers.

  • The majestic stables of the Ravenscrag mansion, a sumptuous Italian Renaissance-style residence built in what was then known as the Square Mile neighbourhood.

  • The former Royal Victoria Hospital, whose main building was inspired by the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, was built on the mountain thanks to two Scottish philanthropists.

  • The McGill University campus, established on land formerly owned by James McGill, features a collection of buildings designed by Scottish architect and professor Percy Erskine Nobbs.

Explore with Les amis or on Your Own

There are a couple of ways to do this 2.5 km discovery walk, which starts at the Kondiaronk Belvedere and ends at the McCord Museum on Sherbrooke St.:

Put on your hiking boots and learn about the unique contribution of Scottish culture to the landscape and history of Montréal!

This project was realized with the financial support of the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal. Scientific review by Joanne Burgess.
