Every month, we keep in touch by sending you our newsletter. It fills you in on all the activities and events we organize on the mountain as well as current protection and improvement issues relative to Mount Royal. It also showcases our photo of the month, as well as a “Did you know?” segment that reveals little known facts about Les amis de la montagne, Mount Royal or its history.
And because this newsletter is made by and for friends of the mountain, we need your input!
What do you think we should call Les amis’s newsletter?

Look to the mountain for inspiration and share your suggestions of names in the comments section on Les amis’s Facebook page before January 17. Not on Facebook? Send your ideas by email at Whether your suggestion is in English or French, and no matter where you live or how old you are, you can add your own special touch to the newsletter dedicated to Montréal’s beloved mountain.
If your idea is chosen, you will win a snow-tubing day pass on Mount Royal for you and three friends on the date of your choice.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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