Citing safety concerns, Mount Royal Cemetery has banned cycling on its grounds starting August 1. For Les amis de la montagne, this is a regrettable but justified measure. Les amis de la montagne understands Mount Royal Cemetery’s decision to ban cycling on its property. In recent years, we have witnessed measures taken by the cemetery to deal with cyclists using its paths as training grounds and encourage them to change their behaviour.

Unfortunately, safety concerns and user cohabitation issues in the cemetery and beyond, not to mention a lack of respect for the nature and character of public spaces on the mountain, have been attributed to cyclists due to their numbers and the behaviour of some of them.
Les amis de la montagne strives to improve the accessibility of the Mount Royal territory, encouraging the creation of passageways between its major institutional properties, cemeteries and public parks. Closing the cemetery to cyclists is a loss for many mountain users. Let us not forget that it is a privilege to have access to sites that are as rich in history and lush landscapes. If we want to continue to enjoy Mount Royal’s extensive green spaces freely, it is up to each of us to adopt an exemplary behaviour, respectful of the spirit of the place and other users.
