On November 30, in a brief submitted to the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM), Les amis de la montagne presented recommendations for the safe and convivial redevelopment of the Remembrance / Camillien-Houde axis in keeping with the Mount Royal Heritage Site. To date, the public consultation on Mount Royal access roads has been the most popular in the history of the OCPM, mobilizing a record number of participants. The significant attention garnered by this consultation is proof that the public’s interest in the future of Mount Royal and its access roads is far from waning.

Entitled Remembrance / Camillien-Houde : vers un chemin de plaisance, this brief advocates the development of a global vision of accessibility and mobility on the mountain encompassing:
  • Safe road sharing (motorists, cyclists and pedestrians) inspired by the Vision Zero approach
  • Different types of uses
  • Landscape enhancement
  • Protection of biodiversity
  • A quality “mountain” experience
Les amis’s vision proposes, among other things, that no development should result in a loss of accessibility to the territory. For users of the Summit sector, regardless of their mode of transportation, our recommendations focus on maintaining the freedom of movement between the Smith House sector and the Beaver Lake sector and allowing the descent back to the east and west.

For more information, consult the brief entitled Remembrance / Camillien-Houde : vers un chemin de plaisance, November 2018 (in French only).