If you live in or have recently visited Montréal, you might have noticed that it is once again possible to drive from one side of Mount Royal to the other since the end of October. The pilot project blocking car transit traffic on Remembrance / Camillien-Houde might be over, but public consultation work is still going strong. Find out what’s happening next.

Until November 30: Online Comments

You still have 48 hours to share your comments in written form on a variety of subjects pertaining to Mount Royal access roads, such as road sharing, parking and public transit, on the online platform hosted by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM). Each written contribution must be limited to 250 words or less.

Note that this exercise is an integral part of the hearing-of-opinions process. Every comment will be brought to the commissioners’ attention and be part of the corpus of information leading to the report.

Share your comments

November 28 to December 4: Hearing of Opinions

The OCPM will hold a series of afternoons and evenings dedicated to the hearing of opinions formulated by citizens or organizations wishing to share their comments or observations on the pilot project or their vision for the future of access roads to Mount Royal. The deadline to present in this setting was November 22.

On November 30, Les amis de la montagne will take part in this public consultation exercise by presenting possible solutions for a safer, sustainable and more convivial redevelopment of the Remembrance / Camillien-Houde axis worthy of the Mount Royal Heritage Site.

Les amis de la montagne Proposals

For a better grasp of the issues, read the proposals shared by Les amis de la montagne on the OCPM’s online discussion platform.

Proposals for the future of Remembrance / Camillien-Houde