April 26, 2022, will mark the 200th anniversary of landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, whose grand vision for the mountain and passionate words about nature in the heart of the city have inspired citizens, public officials and political leaders to champion his legacy. Mount Royal Park owes its origin to this great man. That is why Les amis is proud to take part in the celebrations organized by Olmsed 200. 
To learn more about his vision for Mount Royal Park, we invite you to read the blog post written in collaboration with Olmsted 200. And to discover his body of work, please join the second webinar in Olmsted 200’s Conversations with Olmsted series as they explore different aspects of Olmsted’s far-reaching influence on America’s physical landscape and social fabric.  Moderated by Karen Phillips, FASLA and 2021 LAF Medal Honouree in conversation with three innovative leaders of historic Olmsted parks, this program will examine the importance of public parks. Register by clicking here.

The National Association for Olmsted Parks is the managing partner of Olmsted 200.To learn more about the campaign, visit the Olmsted 200 website for in-person and virtual event information, blog posts written by diverse thought leaders, teaching materials, and so much more. Subscribe to the Olmsted 200 newsletter for updates and inspiration, and follow Olmsted 200 on social media