Les amis de la montagne enthusiastically embraces the vision promoted by the City of Montréal's Plan nature et sports and the importance given to Mount Royal in its implementation.  
At a time when the pandemic has brought to light the incredible popularity of parks with high scenic value, and when visits to these parks have reached very high levels, Les amis is delighted with the important actions outlined for the mountain in the city’s strategic plan, Montréal des Sommets. The chapter dedicated to Mount Royal acknowledges the delicate balance to be maintained between supporting the biodiversity of its natural environments, visitor traffic and authorized uses. 

The plan proposes concrete actions to improve safe and responsible access; the emblematic presence and the resilience of the mountain so that we may continue to celebrate its uniqueness; and its beneficial contribution to the quality of the environment and the health of Montrealers. The mountain is the city's urban lung, a collective asset that contributes to the well-being of Montrealers and that we must collectively protect. The preservation of the mountain's natural and cultural heritage, and the improvement of the user-friendly and safe experience offered to its visitors, are at the heart of Les amis de la montagne's concerns. 

"This experience is based on the cohabitation of respectful usages, the capacity of the natural environment, as well as the contemplative vocation of the site. We offer our full collaboration to the City of Montréal to increase the level of awareness of mountain visitors and we will pursue our mission with passion. " - Hélène Panaïoti, Executive Director, Les amis de la montagne.

Finally, Les amis de la montagne highlights the important investment by the City of Montréal, which plans to invest $1.8 billion over the next ten years in the development of a network of parks in the city that will be connected through the creation of green corridors. The development of this network, that will bring beauty and nature closer to living environments, is an essential solution to better distribute traffic and offer a healthy mountain to visitors.
