The City of Montréal’s pilot project to stop transit traffic on Remembrance/Camillien-Houde has generated lively reaction from the Montréal community since it was announced last February. Having as yet still not revealed its detailed plan, the City has nevertheless provided some updates. According to the press release (French only) issued by the City in mid-March, the pilot project will unfold from June 1 to October 31, 2018, and be accompanied by a public consultation held by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) starting in May. The press release also states that the project will include festive events on the Camillien-Houde roadway on certain Sundays. Such events would require the closure of access to vehicles (STM buses and cars) from the park entrance on the east side to Smith House.

In addition to the transit closure project on Remembrance/Camillien-Houde, the City is working on two other projects related to mountain accessibility, namely the development of a global vision of accessibility and mobility on the Mount Royal territory to be adopted in July 2019 and the redevelopment of the Côte-des-Neiges/Remembrance sector, which is a major gateway to the park on the west side of the mountain.

We understand that the Plante administration has decided to carry out the pilot project in parallel with the development of its global vision in order to rapidly take concrete action. In a bid to ensure that the operation is as fruitful as possible, Les amis de la montagne has written to Mayor Valérie Plante and Luc Ferrandez, responsible for large parks and green spaces, to provide them with recommendations—developed jointly with several Mount Royal territory stakeholders and experts—on the conditions necessary for the pilot project to brighten the future of accessibility to the mountain.

Stay Informed and Share Your Opinion

As of May, the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) will begin the consultation process to evaluate the pilot project and establish a vision for the future of this access route to Mount Royal. Les amis will inform you of the process as soon as the details are known and encourages you to take part in the debates on the redefinition of the vocation of Camillien-Houde/Remembrance way.

Accessibility Is the Theme of the 2018 Edition of May: Mount Royal Month

Les amis has chosen the theme of accessibility (“Explore the Mountain”) for this year’s edition of May: Mount Royal Month. Take advantage of the activities offered to discover Mount Royal from a new angle. To this end, our public forum on Thursday, May 17 will deal with Mount Royal accessibility issues. Upcoming information in our next newsletter and free registration on Les amis de la montagne website starting in May.