The mountain and its access roads have often been in the headlines since the City of Montréal announced a pilot project to remove car transit traffic on Camillien-Houde Way and Remembrance Road—the two access roads to the Mount Royal Park welcome centre and Beaver Lake Pavilion—starting June 2, 2018. Note that this project will not affect buses (public transit, tourist and school) that travel to the mountain and that it will always be possible for people to come to the mountain by car.

Find out more!

Les amis de la montagne will highlight Mount Royal accessibility issues and challenges during a public forum on Thursday, May 17, gathering specialists and members of the general public. Our goal is to deepen the reflection of the future of Camillien-Houde Way and Remembrance Road and encourage citizen participation. All interested citizens are invited!

In the same vein, Les amis invites you to learn more about the history of transportation and accessibility to Mount Royal by visiting the exhibit titled Exploring the Mountain at Smith House.

Express yourself!

Whether you live in Montréal or one of its suburbs, and if you enjoy coming to the mountain, your voice can be heard. The Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) invites you to take part in the public consultations on the pilot project eliminating through traffic of cars on Camillien-Houde and Remembrance roads. Commissioned by the City of Montréal, the OCPM is tasked with evaluating the project and facilitating the debate and reflection on the future of access roads to Mount Royal through citizen participation. 

The OCPM will hold information sessions for the general public on May 10 and 15. See the OCPM website for the complete programming.

In the meantime, answer the online questionnaire created by the OCPM.