Press Pause for Spring

In this time of crisis and social distancing, why not press pause to connect with nature by looking for the first signs of spring around you? Éric Richard, scientific advisor with Les amis de la montagne, shares his tips for enjoying a springtime break safely at home, on your balcony or on a walk in your neighbourhood. The golden rule: make sure to breathe deeply and sharpen your senses. This will help you to relax, slow down and release your stress!

Mount Royal: Your Natural Choice for March Break

Finding time to enjoy the great outdoors is always a good idea especially during spring break! The March holiday is the perfect opportunity to kick back with loved ones, play outside and appreciate nature right here in the city. Easy to access and available to everyone, Mount Royal offers multiple possibilities to explore with family members of all ages. 

Let’s talk garbage!

Mount Royal is one of Montréal’s most popular locations. Its urban forest faces natural threats as well as the impacts of park visitation by several million people each year. Improving the management of waste, recyclables and organic matter is an effective way to improve the resilience of its green spaces.

Get Inspired this Valentine’s Day

Come celebrate Valentine’s Day in the great outdoors! Nature lovers will flush with pleasure on romantic evening snowshoe excursions while families explore snowy trails to their heart’s content.

Make an Evening of It!

Mount Royal is your one-stop destination for winter fun under the stars! Tobogganing, skating, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing all make for unforgettable moments with friends on the mountain. And if you need a little warmth, the Café des Amis overlooking Beaver Lake is a cozy place for drinks and food.

More Felling Operations to Control the Emerald Ash Borer

Even in winter, the emerald ash borer remains a matter of concern. Just as the snow season is off to a start, the City of Montréal is undertaking felling operations in several large parks across Montréal, including Mount Royal. Operations aim to ensure the safety of visitors and limit the propagation of this insect pest. In all cases, efforts will be made to reduce the impact on park users.