On March 24, 2021, Les amis de la montagne took part in the public consultation led by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) about the Main Campus Master Development Plan of the Université de Montreal and its affiliated schools. This plan will provide a framework over the next 15-20 years for consolidating the vast campus on the northern slope of Mount Royal which is home to UdeM, Polytechnique Montréal and HEC Montréal.
The inclusive participatory process led by the University in drafting its new master plan, currently under study at the OCPM, is to be commended. Les amis de la montagne, as well as other community and University representatives committed to protecting Mount Royal’s outstanding heritage value, were members of an advisory committee struck by the University to play a consulting role all along the master plan’s development. This exemplary public engagement process supports the consolidation of a common vision for the mountain, and should be a source of inspiration for future institutional development initiatives on the territory.
Hélène Panaïoti, Executive Director – Les Amis de la montagne

The new Master Development Plan takes into account the University’s unprecedented commitment made in 2014 to no longer build new buildings and to "avoid amputating Mount Royal’s natural heritage any further". It contains positive commitments in favour of the mountain, such as a consolidation of the campus’ greenway (known as the Coulée verte), an increase in the campus’ tree canopy, the integrated ecological management of surface water, the development of new access thresholds to the campus, and significant pedestrian path improvements. Les amis de la montagne is pleased with these enhancements and remains committed to working collaboratively  with the Université de Montréal.

The future of UdeM and other landmark institutions on the mountain is fundamental to the protection and enhancement of Mount Royal. Les amis de la montagne’s brief about the University’s new Master Development Plan contains recommendations that touch on the following principles which apply to the mountain territory as a whole:
  1. Ensure improvements to the built environment that respect and enhance the importance and heritage value of existing buildings, as well as landscapes and views to and from the mountain
  2. Protect, sustain and enhance existing and future natural habitats
  3. Improve safe and convivial accessibility to the mountain

Read our brief (in French only)