À la racine de l’arbre

Sophie Mankowski loves to walk, watch, listen… and share her love for the urban and natural environment surrounding us. As cofounder of the organization Portrait sonore, this producer/director took on the challenge of raising awareness of the urban forest in Mount Royal Park―and the importance of its tens of thousands of trees―by creating a sound walk entitled À la racine de l’arbre.

First Waste Management Strategy in Montréal Parklands: An Important Gesture for the Protection of Natural Environments

On August 19, the City of Montréal’s executive committee adopted the Montréal 2020-25 Waste Management Master Plan, which includes specific measures for large parks.

La montagne perd un grand ami

(In French only)

Montréal, le 30 juillet 2020 – Les amis de la montagne sont peinés d’apprendre le décès de Jean Décarie, gouverneur des Amis de la montagne et lauréat 2006 du Prix du Mont-Royal.

How to Enjoy the Park Responsibly

The sun is shining and the temperature is rising! The arrival of nice weather raises hopes about enjoying the outdoors once again but also concerns about visiting urban parks at times of crises like this.

Let’s Act Together to Keep Parks Open

City parks provide priceless green space for citizens living in metropolitan areas. In these challenging times, not only do they offer a place to relax and renew with nature, they are essential to our health and well-being.

5 Bird Species Returning to Mount Royal this Spring

Mount Royal is a paradise for amateur and professional birdwatchers hoping to spy birds right here in the city. In fact, over 180 different bird types flock to the mountain throughout the seasons.

Emerald Ash Borer: Why it’s Hard to See the Forest for the (Felled) Trees

Now that spring has sprung on the mountain, more and more visitors are noticing piles of wood chips on the ground as well as gaps in the woods caused by the recent felling of trees. These are the results of the campaign against the emerald ash borer, which has been carried out on the mountain since 2017 to help protect the woodlands of Mount Royal.

3 Good Reasons to Wait before Cleaning the Mountain

Since 1990, the Montréal community has gathered together every first Sunday of May to clean up the wooded areas of Mount Royal Park with Les amis de la montagne and the City of Montréal. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this annual tradition will not take place.

Press Pause for Spring

In this time of crisis and social distancing, why not press pause to connect with nature by looking for the first signs of spring around you? Éric Richard, scientific advisor with Les amis de la montagne, shares his tips for enjoying a springtime break safely at home, on your balcony or on a walk in your neighbourhood. The golden rule: make sure to breathe deeply and sharpen your senses. This will help you to relax, slow down and release your stress!

Mount Royal: Your Natural Choice for March Break

Finding time to enjoy the great outdoors is always a good idea especially during spring break! The March holiday is the perfect opportunity to kick back with loved ones, play outside and appreciate nature right here in the city. Easy to access and available to everyone, Mount Royal offers multiple possibilities to explore with family members of all ages.