​The OCPM Report on the Repurposing of Remembrance / Camillien-Houde Concurs with our Recommendations

Les amis de la montagne welcomes the conclusions of the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) report on the future of the Remembrance / Camillien-Houde roadway. By the same token, we wish to underscore the urgent need to define a global vision of accessibility and safe mobility for the mountain as a whole.

A Bird’s-Eye View of Mount Royal

Their songs inspire us and their plumage fires our imagination. Birds have long been a subject of fascination for those of us who delight in looking to the treetops and skies in search of the winged species. Now that spring is finally adding a touch of green to the mountain, Project FeederWatch provides us with information about the birds that visit the feeders of Mount Royal Park in the winter, thanks to the precious help of our volunteers.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Emerald Ash Borer on Mount Royal

If you have recently visited the mountain, perhaps to stroll on Olmsted Path or to enjoy the view from the Camillien-Houde lookout, you might have seen or heard felling operations in the woods. The reason behind all this noise is a little insect that is causing a lot of damage to our green spaces: the emerald ash borer. Now, after more than two years, the mountain will once again become a haven of peace and tranquility.

The Tuques Bleues Event Raises Nearly $150,000 for Conservation Programs

The 22nd edition of the Tuques Bleues benefit event welcomed close to 450 snowshoers on a snow-laden Mount Royal on Thursday, February 21. Presented by Manulife for a 10th consecutive year, the event raised nearly $150,000 in support of Les amis de la montagne’s environmental conservation programs on Mount Royal.

Cool Ways to Discover Mount Royal in Winter

Whatever the season or the whims of Mother Nature, the mountain is the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a quiet break in nature. Whether you’re big or small, here are our suggestions to discover the mountain.

5 Ideas to Keep It Fresh on Valentine’s Day

Come celebrate Valentine’s Day in the great outdoors! Nature lovers will flush with pleasure on romantic snowshoe excursions on the mountain. Families explore snowy trails to their heart’s content during special forest expeditions.

‘Tis the Season to Be Active!

Take advantage of the holidays to enjoy family outdoor time, admire the winter landscape or simply stretch your legs during a long walk on Mount Royal. You’ll find a host of free or inexpensive activities that will please the nature or winter sports enthusiasts in your environment!

Our Wishes for the New Year: Safe and People-Friendly Access Roads

On November 30, in a brief submitted to the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM), Les amis de la montagne presented recommendations for the safe and convivial redevelopment of the Remembrance / Camillien-Houde axis in keeping with the Mount Royal Heritage Site. To date, the public consultation on Mount Royal access roads has been the most popular in the history of the OCPM, mobilizing a record number of participants. The significant attention garnered by this consultation is proof that the public’s interest in the future of Mount Royal and its access roads is far from waning.

What’s Open, What’s Not in Mount Royal Park

During the holidays, Mount Royal is the perfect place to explore its wooded trails, skate on the ice rink or go tobogganing! Check the opening hours of the public buildings, outdoor installations and visitor services before setting out. This way, you’ll know whether you can lace up your skates in the Beaver Lake Pavilion or warm up in Smith House or the Mount Royal Chalet.

Working Together for a Greener Mountain

Les amis de la montagne relies on citizen engagement to fulfil our mission of protecting Mount Royal. Indeed, we are lucky to be supported by a vast community committed to preserving this beloved green space. Faced with issues such as climate change and the proliferation of invasive non-native pests, the mountain’s biodiversity needs a helping hand now more than ever.