Les amis de la montagne is pleased with Montréal’s nature and sports plan, which includes ambitious actions for Mount Royal

Les amis de la montagne enthusiastically embraces the vision promoted by the City of Montréal's Plan nature et sports and the importance given to Mount Royal in its implementation.  

The big clean-up, light version

Spring is usually synonymous with cleaning up Mount Royal, but again this year,  current health measures prevent us from organizing large gatherings. However, this does not mean that no "housekeeping" is being done on the mountain.

Park People’s Montreal Park Forum: The Power of Urban Parks

May 26 and 27, 2021, be a part of the Park People’s very first forum — presented by Park People in collaboration with Les amis de la montagne.

Requalifying the Royal Victoria Hospital, an extraordinary opportunity to integrate nature and architecture

More than ever, we have seen how essential urban parks have become to Montrealers’ quality of life. The pandemic has increased pressure on these green spaces. Parks with high landscape value, such as those on Mount Royal, are experiencing heightened visitation. There is an urgent need to act to provide citizens with more healthy, verdant parklands. Such green spaces will also serve to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

The iconic presence of the mountain

Les amis de la montagne, Héritage Montréal, the Ordre des urbanistes, CRE MTL and the Association des architectes paysagistes du Québec have joined forces to reiterate that the iconic presence of the mountain as a visual and identity marker is - and must remain - non-negotiable.

An Exemplary Inclusive Process toward the Adoption of a New Master Development Plan for Université de Montréal Main Campus

On March 24, 2021, Les amis de la montagne took part in the public consultation led by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) about the Main Campus Master Development Plan of the Université de Montreal and its affiliated schools. This plan will provide a framework over the next 15-20 years for consolidating the vast campus on the northern slope of Mount Royal which is home to UdeM, Polytechnique Montréal and HEC Montréal.

From Scottish Castle to Modern Hospital: 1st in a Series of 3 Articles on the Royal Victoria

There’s no escaping it, especially as we weather a global pandemic, health, hospitals and caring for the sick are on everyone’s lips. Located in the heart of the Mount Royal Heritage Site, the former Royal Victoria Hospital now serves as a COVID-19 isolation unit for homeless people, yet the future of this illustrious site, affectionately known as the Royal Vic, is far from certain.

The Snowbirds of Mount Royal

Birdwatching has long been a favourite outdoor activity, and the COVID pandemic has made this individual pastime more popular than ever on the mountain. With its urban forest and woodland trails, Mount Royal is a coveted spot for bird lovers, even in the winter! Find out why.