Pilot Project: Come Experience It and Have Your Say

Now that summer's here, Les amis de la montagne asks all Mount Royal users to come experience the mountain to gain a better understanding of the pilot project stopping car transit traffic on the Remembrance/Camillien-Houde axis from June 2 to October 31.

Best Ways of Getting to Mount Royal Park this Summer

If you plan to picnic in the park this summer, enjoy the view from one of the lookouts or visit either of the cemeteries, you should be aware of the new car traffic rules on Mount Royal.

27th Mount Royal Clean-Up in Numbers and Pictures

It was under a bright blue sky that the 27th edition of the Mount Royal Clean-Up took place this Sunday, May 6 to the delight of Montrealers and all park lovers!

The Future of Camillien-Houde and Remembrance Roadways

The mountain and its access roads have often been in the headlines since the City of Montréal announced a pilot project to remove car transit traffic on Camillien-Houde Way and Remembrance Road—the two access roads to the Mount Royal Park welcome centre and Beaver Lake Pavilion—starting June 2, 2018.

3 Good Reasons to Visit Mount Royal in May

Les amis de la montagne is celebrating the arrival of spring on the mountain! Young and old are invited to Mount Royal to discover, explore and enjoy this majestic green space.

Remembrance/Camillien-Houde Pilot Project: The Community Awaits Details

The City of Montréal’s pilot project to stop transit traffic on Remembrance/Camillien-Houde has generated lively reaction from the Montréal community since it was announced last February.

Chapeau Mont Royal! Has a New Headliner

It is with great pleasure that Les amis de la montagne welcomes Diane Lanctôt as the honorary president of the 5th edition of the Chapeau Mont Royal! benefit event.

Work Progresses in the Fight Against the Emerald Ash Borer on Mount Royal

Felling operations to eliminate infected ash trees on Mount Royal are underway since early February. This type of operation must take place in the winter to minimize impacts on soil, vegetation cover and nesting birds.

The Best of the Best from our #mtroyalmoment Winter Photo Contest

From December 15, 2017, to February 15, 2018, the #mtroyalmoment photo contest organized by Les amis de la montagne (on Instagram) invited photographers to capture the rich winter scenery and landscapes of our mountain.

Les amis de la montagne’s response to the City of Montréal’s announcement about cutting transit circulation on Mount Royal

Given the absence of details regarding the proposal to put an end to transit traffic on the Camillien-Houde roadway announced on February 6 by Mr. Luc Ferrandez, the Montréal Executive Committee member responsible for large parks, Les amis de la montagne is currently not in a position to take a stand on this project, which has drawn much attention from the media.